Degree in Dentistry from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Lisbon. (DDS-FMDUL, 1999).
Graduate Program in Operative Dentistry (School of Dentistry, Univ. of Iowa - EUA, 2004).
Master in Operative Dentistry (School of Dentistry, Univ. of Iowa - EUA, 2004).
PhD in Operative Dentistry (FMDUL, 2008).
Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Lisbon (FMDUL).
Chairman of Operative Dentistry and Integrated Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (FMDUL since 2008).
Member of the American Academy of Operative Dentistry (AAOD-EUA) and a founding member of the Portuguese Society of Esthetic Dentistry (SPED).
Member of the European Society for Electronic Microscopy and member of the Portuguese Society for Stomatology ad Dentistry (SPEMD).
Researcher in the field of enamel-dentin bonding (UICOB- Oral and Biomedical Sciences Research Unit).
Author and co-author of various international and national scientific publications in the field of Esthetic Dentistry and Dentin-Bonding Agents (see the latest updated publications).
Co-author of the chapter "Bonding and bonding systems" in the Book "Esthetics in Dentistry".
Editorial member of SPEMD journal.
Guest conference speaker at various national and international meetings to lecture on his conservative and non-invasive perspectives in the field of Esthetic Dentistry (see in schedule).
Private Practice exclusively in Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics and Implantology at the Oral Rehabilitation Institute, IRO, Lisboa.
Member of the ICD (International College of Dentists) since June 2014.
Chapters in books
- Cavalheiro A, Ramos JC. Capítulo 1 - Adesão e sistemas adesivos (Chapter 1 - Bonding and Bonding Systems. In: Ramos JC, edr. Estética em Dentistry (Esthetics in Dentistry). 1st edition, Abbott Laboratórios, Portugal. 2009:13-26. ISBN 978-989-20-1552-1
- Cavalheiro A. Effect of primer application on dentin permeability (Master Thesis). Iowa City: University of Iowa; 2004.
- Cavalheiro A. Effect of deviations on the application of adhesive application of dentin adhesives: permeability, ultramorphology and nanoleakage studies (PhD Thesis). Lisboa: University of Lisbon; 2008.
Articles and abstracts published in scientific magazines
- Cavalheiro A, Vargas MA, Armstrong SR, Dawson DV, Gratton DG. Effect of incorrect primer application on dentin permeability. J Adhes Dent 2006;8(6):393-400.
- Soares AC, Cavalheiro A. A review of amalgam and composite longevity of posterior restorations. Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac 2010;51:155-164.
- Sousa B, Nobre M, Cavalheiro A, Borges J, Silva AL. Avaliação radiográfica de ajuste passivo em estruturas (Radiographic Appraisal of passive adjustment in structures). Port Mag of Stomatol Dent Med Maxilofac Sur 2010;51:207-215.
- Cavalheiro A, Vargas M, Armstrong S, Dawson D. Effect of primer application on nanoleakage. J Adhes Dent prepared for submission/accepted/submitted.
- Cavalheiro A, Vargas M, Armstrong S, Dawson D. Effect of primer application variables on dentin permeability. J Dent Res 83 (Spec Iss A): 3172, 2004 (
- Cavalheiro A, Clarimundo M, Vargas M, Borges J, Kolker J. "Nanoleakage with different adhesive application methods" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 623, 2010 (
- Cavalheiro A, Vargas M, Lafoon J, Pequeno A, Silva AL. "Adhesive application: effect of deviations on the resin-dentin ultramorphology" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 2226, 2010 (
- Cavalheiro A, Sousa B, Vargas M, Coito C, Dawson D. "Effect of adhesive application deviations on dentin permeability" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 2940, 2010 (
- Pequeno A, Polido M, Cavalheiro A, Oliveira E, Silva AL. "Influence of adhesive application on micro-tensile bond strength" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 1338, 2010 (
- Eira R, Noblom L, Coito C, Cavalheiro A, Pequeno A. "Fracture strength of direct restorations with and without cuspal coverage" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 1445, 2010 (
- Pequeno A, Lopes M, Polido M, Cavalheiro A, Silveira J. "Solvent evaporation: a FEG-SEM observation of resin-dentin interface" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 2228, 2010 (
- Coito C, Noblom L, Eira R, Cavalheiro A, Silva AL. "Clinical evaluation of in-office whitening with and without LED application" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 2377, 2010 (
- Pequeno A, Lopes M, Polido M, Cavalheiro A, Mexia R. "Characterization of adhesive interface with TEM" J Dent Res 89 (Spec Iss B): 2230, 2010 (